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.Assessor's Minutes 03/10/2015
Minutes of Meeting Held March 10, 2015

Meeting open at 6:10 p.m.

Present: Christian Petersen, Cynthia Poirier, JoAnne Higgins, Diane Rhodes Gregoire

Minutes of the meeting held February 10, 2015 were presented. Motion made by Cynthia Poirier to accept and sign the minutes.  Second by Christian Petersen. Voted 3-0.
No Meeting held February 24, 2015 due to lack of quorum.

The Board signed the Monthly List of MV Excise Abatements granted in February Levy of 2014 for $87.50.
The Board signed the Monthly List of MV Excise Abatements granted in February Levy of 2015 for $524.06.
The Board signed the Monthly List of RE Exemptions granted in February Levy of 2015 for $400.00.
The Board signed (2) two Exemption Applications.

  • The Board reviewed FY2015 Abatement or Exemption Applications.
  • Appraisal for 8 Hamilton Drive faxed as appeal to abatement denial, remains denied.
  • The Board discussed the office visit from L. Satkowski as appeal to abatement denial.  JoAnne Higgins to schedule appointment to re-assess the property.
  • The Board noted the Draft of Visitors Code of Conduct.
  • The Board approved the Draft of Letter to Springfield Girls Club.
  • The Board noted the Draft of Annual Report.
  • The Board noted the HHCAA Spring Seminar April 8, 2015 in Holyoke.  JoAnne Higgins will attend.
  • The Board noted VISION User Group Conference May 27,28 & 29, 2015.
  • The Board noted ZBA Notice of Hearing February 23, 2015, demo and rebuild new house at 7 Massaconnic Trail.
  • The Board noted the Memo from Government Study Committee – All Boards meeting on 3/26/15 @ 6:00 p.m.
The next scheduled meeting is on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 @ 6:00 p.m.

Having no further business a motion was made by Christian Petersen to adjourn.  Second by Cynthia Poirier. Voted 3-0.

Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted By:  Diane Rhodes Gregoire, Clerk